What's up?! The week of Sept. 29th - Oct. 3rd
It's Homecoming Week!!
Please see the bottom of this blog for dress-up day details!
Wed., Oct. 1st -- Picture Retakes & Early Dismissal
- HISTORY: C2: Native Americans
- Native American Projects -due Thurs., Oct. 2nd
- Introduce C3: The Age of Exploration
- GEOGRAPHY: Regions of the United States
- Identifying States in the Rocky Mountain & NE Regions --QUIZ: Mon., Sept. 29th
- STUDY SKILLS: Organization
- Locker & Binder Inspections
- TECHNOLOGY: Keyboarding
- Lesson 3: (s & l) and 4: (a & ;) due Tues., Sept. 30th
- Homerow Quiz - Tues., Sept 30th
- Lesson 5: Introduce the Shift Keys
- Lesson 6: (e & n)